UAE announces new 10-year Blue Residency visa: Who can apply and how?

Blue Residency visa

The UAE cabinet has approved a 10-year blue residency visa for people who make “exceptional contributions” towards protecting the environment. A new 10-year Blue Residency is established by the UAE Cabinet for those who have made outstanding achievements to environmental protection. On Wednesday, at Qasr Al Watan in Abu Dhabi, it was declared during a Cabinet meeting presided over by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and Ruler of Dubai.

Eligibility Criteria

The blue residency visa is for individuals contributing to the protection of land or marine environment. The Blue Visa is available to those who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and influence in a range of environmental fields, including as air quality, land-based ecosystems, marine life, sustainability technology, the circular economy, and more. The blue residency visa is also for individuals who contribute to improving air quality and sustainable technologies. Those who meet the requirements are welcome to apply via the Federal Authority for Citizenship, Customs, Identity, and Port Security. You can also nominate indivisuals for long-term residency by pertinent authorities.

Application Process

  1. Assess Eligibility: Check whether you fulfill the requirements for any of the categories indicated above.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Gather passport copies, credentials, endorsements, and accreditation or recommendation letters.
  3. Submit Application: Apply using UAE’s innovative services system, complete forms, and pay fees. Apply directly or via approved agencies.
  4. Processing Time: Typically takes weeks to months; however, it varies.
  5. Upon approval, the visa enables the bearer to remain in the UAE for 10 years, with the option for renewal. This visa allows family sponsorship and other perks.

Benefits of the Blue Residency Visa

In keeping with the President’s proclamation to prolong the 2023 Year of Sustainability, this project includes sustainability initiatives both domestically and internationally. The UAE maintains its sustainability programs and fortifies its commitment to a more environmentally friendly future by honoring and supporting those who are committed to environmental protection. There are many perks for UAE’s new 10-year Blue Residency Visas for Skilled professionals, investors, extraordinary talents, and excellent students with many perks. Key benefits:

Stability Over Time

The 10-year, renewable Blue Residency Visa provides long-term stability and security. This prolonged term gives visa holders confidence in their UAE futures and a stable living environment.

Families Sponsor

Visa holders may sponsor parents, spouses, and children. This fosters family cohesiveness and helps UAE families prosper.

Economic Prospects

Visas open several economic doors. The UAE allows holders to work, invest, and own property, enabling economic growth and entrepreneurship. Greater access to banking and financial services boosts financial growth and stability.

Better Career Chances

Competent professionals and extraordinary talents can access advanced employment opportunities with the Blue Residency Visa. In the UAE’s dynamic and competitive market, professional advancement, networking, and involvement in key initiatives, especially those that support economic development, are possible.

Educational Gains

Excellent students may stay in the UAE after graduating from its high-quality education system. Talented people may continue their education and job growth without interruption, creating a UAE talent pipeline.

Supporting National Development

The Blue Residency Visa supports the UAE’s strategies to promote innovation, research, and development in critical industries.

UAE Residency Visa is part of its aim to recruit and retain outstanding talent and investments to boost its economy and culture. If you are also looking for UAE residency visa services, contact Biz Virtue now! Whether you are applying for a Golden Visa or a 10-year blue residency visa, our team can help you acquire the visa in at least a turnaround time. We are here to help you at every step of the way right from documentation to acquiring Visa. For more details, reach out to us | | +971 45 70 9205 | +971 54 793 5540.


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